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PROOF - for how West Africans crossed
the Atlantic Ocean to populate the Americas
We stumbled upon this evidentiary material
(the age of the oldest Pyramids)
while creating the Affirmative Action Page.
Subsequent research confirmed our
hypothesis generated in creating the
"Ancient Africans crossed the Atlantic
Ocean to populate the Americas Page."
Central American Pyramids
According to Guinness World
Records, the title of world's oldest pyramid is shared between the
Djoser Step Pyramid of Saqqara, Egypt, built in approximately 2630 B.C.
and the Caral Pyramids of Caral, Peru, built between 2700 and 2600 B.C.
South American Pyramid
Egyptian Pyramid
Want to make your head hurt? Try this, what are the chances of us and
our African cousins, whom we haven't SEEN IN 145,000 YEARS! Knowing HOW
and DECIDING to MAKE Pyramids at the same time? No great mystery
really, we got together the SAME way we did when we went APART. A look at the
Atlantic Ocean depth levels chart tells us that at about 19,000 years ago we
were coming out of the "WISCONSINAN" glacial period - Hell the Ocean
levels were even LOWER than they were when we originally parted ways. This no doubt allowed
us to carry on trade and communications for Hundreds, perhaps even
thousands more years with our African cousins.
And this time we didn't have to MESS-AROUND
with "Island Hopping" because we had THESE BABIES!